
Persons observed.


Here is blue eyes, never shy from contact, connection through sight. A middle-aged woman, skin spotted, tanned, and worn; time-triggered blemishes disfigure her slightly, but her gaze is bastion against total degeneration. Unbreakable and alluring. Her husband-- thin and high-horsed, haughty-- and son-- primal and immature-- cared-for, but pushed away while interacting with waiter, by name. Desirous and lustful. Steady, engaging. The waiter is unsure, but hopeful; attracted.


Here is guardian, lethargic. Slouched against back of pickup truck, garbed in reflectors and protectors. Turned away from the blinkers and flashing lights of emergency vehicles that pique the interest of late night passersby, he'd rather be in bed with wife or booze or both. Apathetic, unconcerned for those he wardens over and those he warns. He doesn't stir when a car approaches; waits for the driver to sate their curiosity, realize they cannot pass, and decide on a downtown detour, without raising his head or waving his hands. He dozes off.


Here is smoker, standing. Holdover from glorious, hailed generations. Comes as close as he can to crossing the rush hour highway of Friday evening, but stays in the heat and humidity of the summer day. Cigarette stoic. Curb-perched and balanced. Watches.


Here is sideburns. Deliberate. Asks that plenty of time be reserved for his salad to be eaten. Keeps to his word; savors slowly. Moves on to steak. Through composure, time is his own.


Here is truck driver. Sleepless, incoherent. Brought beer and dish of the server’s choosing, he is content in indecisiveness. Stirs only to answer his cell phone. Sits, stays, thinks. Eventually leaves, returns to his thousand-mile journeys.